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“practical and powerful”

“radically different”

“truly amazing”

Warning! Don't read this book if you are just starting & have no clients

This is a Book For Established Coaches
Looking to Scale Client Acquisition

Without Salesy Calls, Persuasion Tactics, or Hardcore Closing

Ready to Get Sales?

What Is Get Sales Now?

Get Sales Now is a modern client acquisition model for attracting the most serious, interested, and high-paying clients for your coaching and consulting programs.

You will learn how to create high-ticket customers without using persuasion, pressure, fake scarcity, or closing techniques.

What you are about to learn in this book is the exact opposite of what you learn in run-of-the-mill sales books and training courses.


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A Modern Client Acquisition Model

This book is radically different from anything you've ever read before because it’s not based on theory. It’s jam-packed with actionable marketing strategies and sales lessons from 6 successful business launches and 15 years of working in the trenches. You will borrow from my experience to avoid mistakes, compress time and achieve record growth in your business.

Everything has been tested in the field and refined for the challenges of doing business in 2022. These cutting-edge sales & marketing strategies are working like crazy right now for my coaching and consulting clients. And it’s the exact process I have used to execute on 6 and 7 figure business launches.

Do You Know Where Your Next Sale Is Coming From?

A business exists to create and serve customers. Almost every business problem is directly related to traction, that is, your ability to predictably create new customers at a profit.

In Get Sales Now I am handing you a proven client acquisition system that attracts the most serious, interested and high-paying clients for your coaching and consulting programs.

The New Way To Create High-Ticket Coaching And Consulting Clients

Without Salesy Calls, Persuasion Tactics or Hardcore Closing



A 14 chapter book that reveals a brand new client acquistion del for coaches and consultants.


Download to your smartphone or computer to listen on the go. (narrated by the author).

A $47 Value

The quick start series is for those who have read the book and want to implement some of the more advanced strategies.

A $99 Value

This video workshop will show you how to design a business model based on offering something new and compelling to the market.

A $67 Value

How to connect and reach out directly to prospective customers on social media without being salesy or pushy.

A $127 Value

Use my social selling scripts and process to qualify prospects as being “ready-to-buy” before you invest your time in picking up the phone.

A $37 Value

The exact process for engineering a powerful insight that you will teach prospective clients through all of your content marketing.

A $124 Value

This will help you to create new products and services that your clients need but can’t get from other providers.

A $157 Value

Use this workbook to establish a clear vision for the future business and lifestyle that you want to create.

A $197 Value

This is a great chance to connect with other like-minded coaches and consultants who are thinking one step ahead of their competitors.

A $997 Value

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processed on a secure server

Patrick is Trusted By Global Brands:

Patrick Leddy

Business Insiders Top 15 Fastest-Growing Business Owner

Dear Friend,

If you are a coach or consultant and worried that you don’t have a consistent stream of high ticket sales coming in, this will be one of the most important letters you will ever read.

Today I am going to show you a unique sales system that helped me generate over $50 million in total sales from coaching, consulting, software and agency services. I have used this exact system to close deals with Google, Apple, Paypal, Tesco’s, Citibank, Vodafone, and NRC.

And it works like a charm for selling $10,000+ high ticket coaching and consulting packages in every niche imaginable.

Here’s the deal:

If you are a coach, consultant, or course creator with solid skills (i.e you know how to deliver excellent results for your clients)...

And if you are already making money from this skillset this book will help you take your revenue to the next level.

Of course, the success of the system depends on your work ethic, ability and motivation. But it is not unusual for my private clients to see their sales increase by upwards of 187% when they apply the same systems I teach you in this book.

A New Way To Turn Complete Strangers Into High Ticket Clients At $5,000 - $25,000 Each

I have built all of my businesses by ignoring common internet marketing and sales wisdom.  I have broken all the rules, turned high ticket selling on its head, and created something unique. And it works like gangbusters!

It’s a “plug and play” system that I have used in my businesses across multiple industries and it has helped me attract the most serious, interested and high-paying clients only.  

But before we get into it, I want to reveal a big secret that is going to get me into trouble...

They Are Not Better, Smarter, Or More Talented Than You. They Just Do Things Differently!

People often look into my background and they see that I have successfully built several businesses, generated multi-millions in sales from companies like Google, Apple, Paypal, Tesco, Citibank, Vodafone and NCR.

And they think “Patrick, you are a natural-born entrepreneur. There is no way I could do what you do”.

While it is all very flattering the truth is much more humbling.

Before I made my big break, I was slaving away in a cheap, greasy office in a bad part of Dublin City.  I was practically begging people to hire me for less than minimum wage.

Below my office, the cashier at the burger joint was probably coming out with more money in his back pocket than I was.

And things weren’t going to change for me unless I started doing things differently. Pushing a bad strategy harder wasn’t going to lead to my breakthrough.

We see these charismatic, personal brands and we put them on a pedestal. We think they must have something that we don’t. As if there is some kind of success gene that we missed out on.

They are going to hate me for saying this but they are not better than you, they are just famous.

And they became online celebrities not by pushing harder or begging more people to hire them. They are doing the exact opposite of what 99% of people are doing.

I am going to pull back the curtain on the highest-earning coaches and reveal their secrets to you in my brand new book “Get Sales Now: How to Get as Many Leads, Sales and Customers as You Can Possibly Handle”.

You're Getting What My Private Clients Pay $10,000+ And For Good Reason - It Works!

I started off using run-of-the-mill sales methods from all the popular books and training courses. But I knew if I wanted to achieve fast growth, I had to change my approach drastically.

I bought a black moleskin notebook and started scribbling down my thoughts from my sales successes and failures.

I carried this notebook with me everywhere. It’s been all across the globe from the PayPal boardroom in California where I secured an investment of $5,000,000 in my startup to Seoul, Korea where I represented my country at the Start-Up Nations Summit.

The notebook was in my back pocket when I spoke in front of 3,000 potential customers at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, and it has visited the headquarters of nearly every Fortune 500 company in the United States.  Even today, before each high-ticket sales call for my coaching business, I look through the pages of this little notebook and without fail, I go into each call pumped and primed to succeed.

The lessons in this notebook have been the springboard upon which I have launched multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses. The notebook has been my go-to source for inspiration when I’m not sure how to close the sale or when I’m struggling to get my point across.

It’s where I cataloged, shaped and distilled critical concepts that helped me gain the trust of the shrewdest business investors in the world and raise multi-millions for my startup, Pulsate.

Whether you want to land your next $10,000 coaching client, convince an investor, or maybe even sell your company, tfhe same principles I teach work in every single situation, industry, or niche without exception.

I Should Put All These Notes and Experiences Into a Book

Everyone was talking about high ticket sales yet no one seemed to know how to get them. And let’s be honest, if you don’t have an effective selling system that acquires long-term, high-paying customers then you don’t have a real business, you have a hobby.

So I set about picking out the “best bits” from the hundreds of raw notes in my black book. I carefully dissected the notes from my conversations with other high-growth startup owners, Silicon Valley tycoons and business influencers and thought leaders with whom I shared the stage.

I combined these ideas with my thoughts and reflections from my big wins and “near misses”.

And created The Category of One Method.

Whether you are trying to raise millions from business investors or selling to your average Joe, this works!

This book is radically different from anything you've ever read before because I’ve created this from the ground up.

It’s jam-packed with sales lessons from 6 successful business launches and 15 years of sales experience.  Everything has been tested in the field and refined for the real world of business in the 21 century.

These cutting-edge, field-tested sales strategies and tactics are working like crazy right now for my coaching and consulting clients. And it’s the exact process I have used to launch my own consulting business.

Here's just a fraction of what's inside and what it might mean for your business:

Chapter 3 Reveals why the top 1%  are doing the exact opposite of what the vast majority of coaches and consultants are being taught. It’s almost like they are intentionally being kept in the dark.

Page 15 shares the number one trait you must have to sell $10,000+ packages. And if you don’t have it, here’s how to develop it.

Chapter 4 breaks down the 3 pillars of the Category of One Method and will have your clients selling themselves to you and practically begging to become paid clients.

Chapter 6 illustrates the single biggest mistake that is keeping you stuck, struggling to get the attention, respect and interest you know you deserve.

Chapter 7 Gives you the exact process of how to identify a highly profitable market that is matched with your natural skills and talent and how to know exactly what your market will and won’t spend money on.

Page 23 demonstrates a process to hardwire business success in your mind so it becomes second nature and a natural part of your personality.

Page 62 shows you a process to find new market opportunities that set you up for hyper-growth in your market

Chapter 8 reveals a 2 step process that sets you up as a world-class thought leader and allows you to sell effortlessly.

Page 92 gives you a method to identify a unique selling angle that no one else is using but appeals to “red hot” prospects who are in deep pain and willing to pay big bucks to solve it.

Chapter 9 illustrates why every successful high ticket has 5 specific components. If you are missing even one of these it could jeopardize the sale.

Page 67 demonstrates why offering more can lower your value perception, just like a cheap, all-you-can-eat buffet. And how to use the cupcake effect so you can offer less and charge more

Chapter 10 breaks down a research method that uncovers exactly what is going on in your prospects’ heads and how you can enter with the conversation they are already having in their mind.

Page 82 reveals a process that allows you to get paid before you do anything.  It's risky to create something that you are not sure prospects will buy.  I give you the complete pre-selling framework and scripts to create paying customers BEFORE you build anything. This approach is different from anything you have seen before.

Hold Back On The Good Stuff Until They Open Their Wallets. Right? Wrong!

I am sure you have heard it before.

You shouldn’t teach your clients, right?

Teach the “what” and the “why” but save the how for all your paid products.

Hold back on all the good stuff and leave them hanging until they open their wallets. Right?


I have been teaching some of my most profitable strategies and cutting-edge insights to my prospects for over three years now FOR FREE...

And I’m making more sales than ever!

There is a right way and a wrong way to do this and I reveal how you can out teach your competition while pumping up your prospects buying state at the same time.  

Plus you'll also discover …

Page 73 explains why building a profitable business required both you and the client to show up with full integrity. High prices reassure your clients that you are the best at what you do - and make them show up with integrity to work hard as a client.

Chapter 11 illustrates why you don’t need a massive hyped-filled pitch to sell. How we pre-sell our customers so they show up on our sales calls, highly motivated and ready to buy.

Page 54 reveals a simple system for beating the 3-second attention span of your prospects and getting them hooked on your content and coming back for more.

Page 61  shows you how to engineer “aha” moments into your content that shatters the minds of your prospects in a way that they see everything differently and you as the only possible solution to their problems.

But that's not all…

You'll also uncover success secrets like ...

How To Become The Prospect’s Only Choice - So That Competitors Become Irrelevant

It’s like music to my ears every time I hear my prospects say “I couldn’t see myself doing business with anyone else other than you. There is no other coach for me.”

I don’t need to follow an outdated high-ticket sales script where I overemphasize the prospect’s pain to close the sale. And that is what a lot of the outdated advice tells you to do. No wonder you don’t like selling!

When you follow the C1 Method, clients come on the call already sold. They have decided they want to work with you already.

You’ve become the only person they trust to help them overcome their challenges.

You will feel more like an order taker than a high ticket closer.

Plus, I reveal...

Chapter 13 shares the sales questions that almost every guru is telling you to ask prospects but places doubt in their mind and sabotages the sale.

Page 95 gives you objection handling responses to statements like “It’s too expensive” or “I can't afford that”.  I’ll show you exactly what to say to put the client at ease and walk them over the line.

Page 84 reveals why I paid a consultant from Canada over $30,000 to fly to Ireland to teach me this one thing that led to the biggest “aha” moment in my selling career.

You're right ...that is a lot of proven, real-world sales strategies and tactics that are designed for the modern buyer.

But it's just the tip of the iceberg because you're also getting…

An Advanced “Lean Funnel” System To Capture, Nurture and Grow Your Audience


Anyone can build a list by giving away free information.

But how do you turn a stranger into a raving fan who chooses YOU over everybody else ...over and over again?

Most of the marketing information I see out there is great for building huge lists, that cost a fortune in ads and attract the worst kind of “freebie” seekers who have no intention of ever paying you for your services.

Am I right?

I hear these horror stories almost every second day.

The New Era of High Ticket Selling

Most business owners are attracting the worst kind of leads with their marketing. The reason being is that it sets the tone of “friend to friend” and programs your audience to seek more free stuff.

They will actually get offended when you ask them for money.

I am going to show you how to set the tone of a “business to buyer” relationship from the outset. This screens out all freebie seekers and tire kickers who are just looking to coaches as a source of entertainment rather than take real-world action.

I am going to reveal the exact system I have been using to grow my business which attracts only the most serious, interested and high-paying clients...whether you’re closing your next coaching client or pitching your business to an investor.

And I will show you how it relates to your specific market so you can start implementing it immediately.

Here's How To Get Going with Your Client Getting Plan Refined For the Modern Buyer

The "cost" of this book is FREE and you get it instantly as a PDF download.

I figured you'd prefer to get the book immediately, rather than having to wait a couple of weeks.

As soon as you place your order today, you'll be sent an email receipt with the download link where you can get it.

From there you can download the book and read it.

You can access your book anywhere, instantly, without having to wait for the post office to get it to you!

Oh and in case you're wondering...

Why Just FREE?
Well, Here Is The Catch!

But let me be clear…

There's no hidden "continuity program" you have to try ...or anything even remotely like that.

And no you don’t have to buy our more advanced training where we help you implement all this.

I'm giving you this entire book as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

I hope that you'll love it and that it will be the start of a business relationship that will last for many years to come.

With that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

I’m Putting My Hand In My Own Pocket To Get This Book To You!

(But For a Limited Time Only - Here’s Why)

I take a loss by selling you this book at this price.

The reason why is because it costs me on average $25.37 in advertising costs to sell one book.  

So why would I do that?


I want to create a great impression on you so that one day you might do business with me again.

Yes, I have other products and services that you might be interested in.

I’m hedging my bets that you’ll enjoy the book so much, you’ll ask to try other training and services I offer. Pretty straight forward really.

This is how I fill up my calendar with clients who love to work with me and people I love to help.

But once I am fully booked up (I will probably take this book down).

Here's everything you're getting today...

Get Sales Now Digital Book
Instant Access via PDF & ePuB - Read on Any Device!
ONLY $39.99 FREE
This Book Will Help You Get As Many Leads, Sales And Clients As You Can Handle
  • The Full C1 Method:Learn the full process that we use with our $10,000 coaching clients.  We hold nothing back and reveal the full process that you can put to work in your business right away.

    Scripts & Tools:Inside the book, you will get a paint-by-numbers system to assemble your own insight-based marketing machine and start enrolling clients at the high-ticket level.
BONUS #1 The Deluxe Audiobook
Listen Any Time, Anywhere & On Any Device!
A $47 Valuefree
Don’t Have Time To Read?  I Have Narrated It For You.
  • Listen On The Go:Listen to the book while driving, cooking, or while waiting in line. If you get a few spare moments each day, you will be able to work your way through the audiobook in no time.
  • Get Up To Speed Fast:Want to put what you learn to work faster? The audiobook can be listened to at any speed allowing you to pause, rewind or speed up so that you can absorb all of my unique strategies and tactics within just a few hours.
  • Narrated By The Author:Rather than outsourcing the narration to a voice-over actor, I decided to narrate the book myself in a professional studio. This way you will be learning directly from me.
BONUS #2 Video Quickstart Series
Learn In a Way That Suits Your Style
A $99 Valuefree
Prefer to Learn With Video Content?
  • Let Me Guide You:Some people prefer to watch video content instead of reading or listening and that’s why I have professionally recorded a series of six HD videos where you see me on screen breaking down the entire process from the book.
  • Advanced Tutorials:The quick start series is also for those who have read the book and now want to implement some of the more advanced strategies in more depth.
BONUS #3 Business Model Design
Setting Your Foundations - Video Workshop
A $67 Valuefree
Look Before You Leap!
  • Build a Unique Business:This video workshop will show you how to design a business model based on offering something new and compelling to the market. This helps you to avoid competition and command premium price points.
  • Avoid Mistakes:You will learn 3 critical mistakes I made early on in the design of my initial business model and what you can do now to avoid falling for these traps.
BONUS #4 Lead Generation Process
Get Organic Leads - Video Workshop
A $127 Valuefree
Fill Your Sales Pipeline
  • Identification:Find topical groups and events on social media filled with your dream customer profile.
  • Outreach:How to connect and reach out directly to prospective customers on social media without being salesy or pushy.
BONUS #5 Social Selling Scripts
Turn Leads into Clients - Templates
A $37 Valuefree
Enroll New Clients Gracefully
  • Qualification:Use my social selling scripts and process to qualify prospects as being “ready-to-buy” before you invest your time in picking up the phone.
  • Quick Call:Connect with prospects on a quick 15-minute phone call to further qualify the opportunity before you book a full one-hour strategy call with them.
BONUS #6 Insight-Based-Marketing
Get Attention In a Three Second World - Video Workshop
A $124 Valuefree
Out-Teach The Competition
  • Build Your Insight:In this video workshop, I give you the exact process for engineering a powerful insight that you will teach prospective clients through all of your content marketing.
  • Deliver Aha! Moments:The insight will ensure that you deliver powerful “Aha! Moments” that get the prospect to think differently about their problem and who they choose to fix that problem. Hint: They will only want to work with you.
BONUS #7 Discovery Call Process
Innovate Your Way to Success - Video Workshop
A $157 Valuefree
Download Your Prospect’s Brain
  • Interview Potential Clients:Find underserved and untapped market opportunities. This will help you to create new products and services that your clients need but can't get from other companies.
  • From Interview To Sales Call:Turn interviewees into buyers after your initial research phase, book a follow-on call with each interviewee to present and pre-sell your prototype offer.
BONUS #8 Business Planning Workbook
Design Your Dream Business - Workbook
A $97 Valuefree
A Failure To Plan Is A Plan To Fail!
  • Vision:Use this workbook to establish a clear vision for the future business and lifestyle that you want to create. I am a firm believer that you must create in the mind what you want to manifest in reality.
  • Strategy:Turn your vision into a clear strategy and plan of action of how you will provide unique value to your customers while standing you from competitors.

    Execution:Develop and execute a critical path for your business. A clear set of next steps that will help your business move forward as quickly as possible.
BONUS #9 Sales Mentoring Community
Surround Yourself With The Best
A $997 Valuefree
Insights You Can’t Get Anywhere Else

Inside our private coaching community, you’ll get access to our exclusive community workshops and live training. I’ve created a private Facebook community for those who have purchased the book.

This is a great chance to connect with other like-minded coaches and consultants who are thinking one step ahead of their competitors.

I will also share my most up-to-date and relevant sales strategies in the group as well as hosting weekly live training sessions. I plan on charging $997 per year for this in the future but for the first 300 book buyers, it will be free forever.

“A Modern Client Acquisition Model That Attracts The Most Serious, Interested And High-Paying Clients Only...”

Without Salesy Calls, Persuasion Tactics or Hardcore Closing


"To get started in business, you don’t need the perfect idea, plan, or timing. You just need to start. With Patrick and this book, you have the perfect guide to do just that”
Philip Martin
"This was a penny-dropping read. The particular section that had a profound impact on me was where Patrick writes frankly about goal inheritance."
Andrea Linehan
"There’s something exceptionally magic, honest and transparent about the life lessons and hacks for success inside Get Sales Now. A must read for all entrepreneurs". 
Jamie White

(1) 15 of the Fastest Growing B2B Startups (

(2) Pulsate selected to represent Ireland at World Start-up Competition - Start-ups | - Ireland's Technology News

(3) PayPal And Dunnhumby Put $1.2m Into Pulsate, A Location Marketing Startup | TechCrunch


A 14 chapter book that reveals a brand new client acquistion model for coaches and consultants.


Download to your smartphone or computer to listen on the go. (narrated by the author).

A $47 Value

The quick start series is for those who have read the book and want to implement some of the more advanced strategies.

A $99 Value

This video workshop will show you how to design a business model based on offering something new and compelling to the market. 

A $67 Value

How to connect and reach out directly to prospective customers on social media without being salesy or pushy.

A $127 Value

Use my social selling scripts and process to qualify prospects as being “ready-to-buy” before you invest your time in picking up the phone.

A $37 Value

The exact process for engineering a powerful insight that you will teach prospective clients through all of your content marketing.

A $124 Value

This will help you to create new products and services that your clients need but can’t get from other providers.

A $157 Value

Use this workbook to establish a clear vision for the future business and lifestyle that you want to create.

A $197 Value

This is a great chance to connect with other like-minded coaches and consultants who are thinking one step ahead of their competitors.

A $997 Value

Patrick is Trusted By Global Brands:

$97 FREE
$3,000 BONUSES
$97 FREE